Remote Conundrums in Take 2. Housing Design in Indigenous Australia. RAIA. Sisalation Prize publication Editor P. Memmott. 2003.
Black out in Alice: A history of the establishment and development of town camps in Alice Springs: Heppell M and Wigley J.J: Australian. National University, Development Studies Centre. Monograph No. 26. (1981).
Training Programs for the Management and maintenance of housing stock in rural Aboriginal Communities. Australian Housing Research Council. Government Printer, Canberra 1994.
Black Iron: A History of Aboriginal housing in Northern Australia. Wigley B and Wigley J National Trust (NT). 1993. (Limited).
Report to the Australian Nomads Research Foundation: The proposed experimental homes for the Nomad group of Aborigines. Strelley W.A. Wigley J. Nomad Foundation, 1973.
Graphic and Animation.
(Edition of 10,000). Julian Wigley. Red Heart Productions. 1982.Published by the CCJP Sydney. Australia. In 1985 remaining copies withdrawn and destroyed at Glebe Tip, due to legal threats.
A pictorial Chronicle of the life and times in Central Australia. 1979. (Edition of 200). Julian Wigley. Published by the Adelaide Art Foundation, Adelaide,
Uncle Henry (3 min 10 sec) (G) A young Aboriginal boy from the city visits his Uncle in the country. Tom. E. Lewis as Uncle Henry. Animation: pastel on paper. ‘Lift 0ff 2’ TV series; Australian Children’s Television Foundation. 16 mm Video PAL version, colour. Animator and Director. 1994.
The Chair and Rabbits (30 secs and 15 secs). Video. PAL- Colour. Sand on glass. Television commercials for C T A. Animator and director. 1993.
Destroy (3 min 22 sec) (G) Animation: pencil/pastel on paper and sand on glass. ‘Munch Kids/Lift off’ TV series; Australian Children’s Television Foundation Children discuss the concept of death and growth. Selected for Annecy Animation Festival 1993, France. Video PAL version, colour. Writer/animator and director. 1992.
‘Animation Plus‘ exhibition screenings throughout the United Kingdom during 1994 and 1995, organised by Collins Gallery, Glasgow. Presentation of animation stills and screenings.
Mum’s Friend. (5min 40 sec) (PGA) Story of a child’s reaction to his mother’s changed circumstances. 16 mm colour. Swinburne Film School. Traditional animation on paper and toner on glass. (Film selected for inclusion in ‘House of Fun’ production 1993/94; shown in Portugal and Italy; Atom Awards, Melbourne). Writer/animator and director. 1988.
Sunday: (1 min 20 sec). (G) Impression of the St Kilda foreshore and beach activities using scanned photos, drawings and animated computer graphics. 16mm colour. Computer graphics and animation. Swinburne Film School Writer/animator and director. 1988.
Gunyah, Goondie + Wurley: The Aboriginal Architecture of Australia. Paul Memmott Thames & Hudson 2022.
Activism: Architect Victoria. Peter Hogg. Autumn 2008.
The practice of Participatory Planning at Mapoon Aboriginal Settlement: Towards Community Control, Ownership and Autonomy. Mark F Moran. 2004. Australian Geography Studies.
Indigenous Settlements of Australia. State of the Environment report on human settlements. Memmott. P and Moran. M. Australian Government, 2001.
Aboriginal Autonomy: Issues and Strategies. Coombs H.C. 1994.
Journal. Aboriginal and Islander Architecture of Queensland. Memmott P. Sept 1994.
Journal. Architecture in Australia; ‘Aboriginal Housing’. Memmott P. June 198.
Just for Living: Aboriginal perceptions of housing in North West Australia. Ross. H 1987.
Aborigines & mining companies in Northern Australia.Ritchie Howitt and John Douglas. 1983
Mobile Digital Art Leibowitz. D. 2013.
When you think about art-1997-2008. Vivian Helen. 2008.
Encyclopedia of Australian Art. McCulloch Allan. 1984 Revised 1994/2004.
Artists in Australia: Germaine. M. 1985. (This one merges my father’s bio with bits of mine).
Design & Art Australia Online. Database.
Centre for Australian Art-Australian Prints+printmaking. Database.